Christmas Nights Tour – Lindsay Hill Interiors style

First of all, I want to give a big thank you to Rachel for inviting me to participate. I have loved trying my hand at these night shots. And it has made me appreciate the true beauty of this Christmas season.
If you’ve arrived here from Chelsea at Making Home Base, a big welcome to you! I’m sure Chelsea has shared lots of wonderfully cozy holiday spaces with you.
Here’s the exterior of my home decorated to celebrate the holidays. Come on inside and take a peek around. Rather than narrate the tour with descriptions, which I figure you can get from one of my previous Christmas tours, I’d like to share with you all the lyrics from of my favorite children’s Christmas songs. So grab a mug of hot chocolate, snuggle up in a cozy blanket, hum along (to the tune of “Stars Were Gleaming”), and come on inside and enjoy the peace and beauty of this holiday season.
Stars were gleaming,
and the night was dark and chill.
Angels’ story rang with glory;
Shepherds heard it on the hill.
Ah, that singing!
Hear it ringing,
Earthward winging, Christmas bringing!
Hearken! We can hear it still!
See the clearness and the nearness
of the blessed Christmas star,
through the desert dark and far.
our Christmas star!
I hope that you all have an absolutely beautiful Christmas with those you love the most, and that you get to take a moment and just enjoy the peace and beauty of the season and the gift that was given to us all.
Thanks so much for stopping by today. Please be sure to head over to Annie at Zevy Joy, where I know you will be treated to an especially beautiful tour.
And here’s the entire list of participants – I can’t wait to visit them all myself. Please stop by and enjoy their lovely homes, and enjoy the spirit of Christmas, my friends!
Thank you all so much for the love you’ve shared with me this past year – it means the world to me! And a very Merry Christmas to you all!
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